Our Vision

Students have a true sense of belonging and develop as young adults ready for life beyond school. We encourage them to be independent, however we ensure there is support and structure in place to encourage students to take control of their learning and to take up varied enrichment opportunities so they achieve their very best.

We challenge our students to adopt a growth mind-set, to believe that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work creating a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for future success.

Our dedicated Sixth Form team and Personal Learning Tutor team work closely with our students to coach and support them through the transition from GCSE to A level.

Life in the Sixth Form gives our students the opportunity to develop leadership skills alongside their studies, leading to a true community spirit. These leadership and enrichment opportunities will inspire our students to move out of their comfort zone in order to grow and develop their self-confidence,  interests and skills outside of their subject specialism.